Saturday, March 7, 2009


I'm hoping for the best!
cleaned my house today but 1 patch was cruelly dirtied after 1 hour of my hard work.
My sister spilled smelly cat sand on the floor. Had to clean it up, again. My brother was not at all tactful. Calling me a retard for asking my sis to clear up the mess she made definitely added fuel to my already burning rage. Yes, I'm being dramatic. Of course, I retaliated with my own form of sarcasm. Am I really 1 step closer to being like Christ? This incident is proof that I've yet to be 100% accepting of my brother's way of speaking. Honestly, saying that someone is a retard is by no means useful! It's times like these that 1 can gain incredible wisdom.
(1) Rather than calling a person a retard which only serves to prove that the person saying it is full of idiocy, keeping quiet would be a much wiser alternative.
(2) Being angry over a small problem is foolish especially when it can easily be rectified. Patiently cleaning up would of course be better
Yes, regarding my progress in managing my emotions, I'm definitely hoping for the best!

1 comment:

belfa said...

jiayou merilyn & dun be discouraged! We're all on our road to perfection :)